Every Brain Is Different
Have you ever noticed that some people are fantastic artists, while others have a way with words? Still others work well with their hands. Why aren’t we all good at the same things? A new book for young readers can help answer that question.
Titled Different Kinds of Minds, the book is about how each person thinks differently. Its author, Temple Grandin, hopes it will inspire kids to explore how they think and figure out the things they’re great at.
Grandin is known for her studies of animal behavior and for designing devices that allowed farm animals to be treated more humanely. She has also spoken and written about her experiences as a person with autism. Growing up, being autistic made her aware that everyone has their own way of taking in information.
In the book, Grandin explains the different ways people think. She is a visual thinker, which means when she has a thought and idea, she pictures it in her mind. Some people are pattern thinkers, which means they may be good at things like math and music. And some people are verbal thinkers, which means they’re good with words and remember information best by reading it or hearing it read to them. Many people can think in more than one way, but there’s probably one way of thinking they do best.
You can read more about types of thinking farther down on this page.
Grandin hopes to encourage young readers to consider how they think best and explore ways to make the most out of their incredible brains.