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Can AI Write Poetry?

In a recent study, people liked poems written by artificial intelligence better than those written by humans.

Side by side of a painting of Shakespeare’s face and a phone displaying the ChatGPT logo.

© Squtye/, Leon Neal—AFP/Getty Images; Encycopædia Britannica, Inc.

Is ChatGPT a better poet than William Shakespeare?

If great poetry comes from the heart, it makes sense to assume that artificial intelligence (AI) can’t write a decent poem. But in a recent study, many participants preferred AI-generated poetry to verses written by even the world’s greatest human poets.

The study used the AI chatbot known as ChatGPT. Created by a company called OpenAI, ChatGPT analyzes content and then learns to create its own content. For example, it can learn to write poetry by analyzing poems written by humans and then mimicking the poets’ writing styles.

In the study, researchers asked ChatGPT to generate poems in the style of some of the world’s best English-language writers. These included Geoffrey Chaucer, William Shakespeare, Walt Whitman, Emily Dickinson, Sylvia Plath, T.S. Eliot, and Allen Ginsberg. Then the researchers asked 1,634 study participants to read 10 poems. Five of the poems were written by a human poet, and the other five were written by ChatGPT in the same style as that human poet.

The researchers asked the participants which poems were written by humans, and only 46 percent of the responses were correct.

Next, the researchers gathered 696 new participants and asked them to read 14 poems and rate each one. Some of these poems had been written by humans, and others had been created by AI. But the participants weren’t told this. Instead, one-third of the participants were told that a chatbot had generated all the poems. Another third were told a human had written them. The remaining third were not told anything about who created the poems.

The participants who thought the poems were written by humans rated them more highly than the group who thought the chatbot was the author. Researchers expected this to be the case.

What researchers did not expect had to do with the group that didn’t know who or what had written the poems. These participants gave higher ratings to the poems that had been written by the chatbot!

Even though ChatGPT is good at copying writers’ styles, it turns out that AI-generated poetry just isn’t the same as poems written by talented humans. Researchers say that among the poems they used in their study, the AI poetry was simpler and more straightforward than the human poetry. That may be why some study participants seemed to like it better.

Fun Fact

Poet and playwright William Shakespeare was pretty much a celebrity during his lifetime. His plays were well attended by people who could afford tickets, including the rich and the middle class. 

Even Queen Elizabeth I saw a few of Shakespeare’s plays. The illustration below shows the queen in her private box at Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre in London, England. 

An etching of Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre with a packed audience and a view of Queen Elizabeth I in her royal box.

© Hulton Archive/Getty Images

ChatGPT on Trial

OpenAI CEO Sam Altman, seated and gesticulating as he speaks.

© Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

Sam Altman, the Chief Executive Officer of OpenAI, in a 2023 photo.

The chatbot ChatGPT seems to be able to generate any kind of writing on demand—not just poetry. The chatbot can produce multiple facts and even write news articles and research papers (though experts say it doesn’t always present the facts correctly and it’s not a reliable source of information). But is ChatGPT stealing information that human reporters and journalists worked hard to gather? Many news outlets say yes.

The New York Times and other news publishers are suing OpenAI, the company that created ChatGPT. The publishers argue that ChatGPT uses their copyrighted information without paying them or asking them for consent. In addition, the publishers say they are unfairly forced to compete with ChatGPT as a source of information available to the public.

Experts say that if the publishers win the case, ChatGPT will be able to pull from a much smaller pool of information. This could affect the way the chatbot operates.

Masters of Rhyme

Seven members of Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five pose in front of a wall in New York City.

© Hemu Aggarwal/Getty Images

Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five pose during a photo shoot for the cover of their 1982 album, The Message.

Rappers and hip-hop artists are modern-day poets who set their rhymes to beats. Read about early hip-hop group Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five, at Britannica!






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