One Big Dog!
Zeus is the world’s tallest living dog, and his family loves him for it!

“Is that a horse?”
That’s the question some people ask when they see a dog named Zeus out walking with his family. It’s not really surprising that Zeus is big. After all, he’s a Great Dane, the world’s tallest breed of dog. But Zeus is even taller than the average Great Dane. In fact, he was just named the world’s tallest living dog by Guinness World Records!
Zeus stands at 3 feet 5.18 inches tall (104.6 centimeters). His height is closer to that of a donkey than a horse. But since most dogs are much smaller than a donkey, Zeus attracts a lot of attention in his Bedford, Texas, neighborhood. Some people gasp, and others ask if they can take pictures of him. Zeus loves all of it. Like many dogs, he enjoys people and laps up attention.
“We counted 68 times once that we heard people say, ‘Whoa, that’s a horse,’” Brittany Davis, Zeus’s human mom, told the Today show. “It’s kind of a game now.”
When Zeus is not getting the celebrity treatment, the “gentle giant” is at home with Davis and her family. He loves to play with the family’s three miniature Australian shepherds, all of which are much, much smaller than he is. Davis says the three smaller dogs have tons of energy, while Zeus is very laid back.
Occasionally, he does get into a tiny bit of trouble. Sometimes he takes food right off the kitchen counter or uses his tongue to “clean” his human baby brother’s dinner plate. He just can’t help himself—the food and crumbs and spills are so easy for him to reach! In addition to the stolen snacks, Zeus eats 12 cups of dog food a day.
Zeus’s other hobby is lounging. He’s the king of the couch, but he also takes every chance he can to try to sit on a person’s lap. It may be a little bit awkward, but the family loves every minute of it.