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Kind Kid Starts a Food Bank

Eleven-year-old Isaac Winfield collects food in his driveway so people can take what they need.

Courtesy of Friends of Isaac’s Food Bank

When Isaac Winfield got some money for his birthday, he knew just how he wanted to spend it. Isaac, who is now 11, decided to put the money toward the food bank he had started.

A food bank is a place that collects food from donors (people who give) and hands out the food to people who are hungry. Isaac, who lives in the United Kingdom (U.K.), started his food bank two years ago, in 2020. He got the idea for it when he started at a new school. Unlike his old school, this new school didn’t have a program to donate food that students brought in. Isaac had always brought food to school. How could he help now, he wondered? Isaac asked his parents if he could give out food from the family’s driveway. 

Isaac’s food bank grew quickly. Soon, someone made a post on Facebook about Isaac’s food bank, and people began to donate food. The family started a Facebook page called Friends of Isaac’s Food Bank so more people could give. Isaac got so many donations that his parents had to buy a shed to store all of the food! Eventually, a supporter bought the family a van. Now, Isaac and his parents can take food to people who need it. People can also go to the shed in front of the family’s home and help themselves.

When Isaac turned 11, he didn’t ask his friends for gifts. He wanted donations instead.

“For his 11th birthday he just wanted food bank donations and [he got a lot of them],” Isaac’s mom, Claire, told SWNS in the U.K. “He just wanted to get as many donations in as possible to help as many people as he can.”

Isaac is planning to do even more. He hopes to open a food bank in his town.

“Isaac’s always been very kind-hearted,” said his mom. “Anything he comes across, he always wants to stop and help.”

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Did You Know?

© Ashley Corbin-Teich—Image Source/Getty Images.

A study showed that people are more likely to be kind when they see others being kind!

It’s Cool To Be Kind!

It’s easy to show how much you care about others. Here are some ways to be kind.

Illustration of shirts and shoes and two boxes with arrows indicating the clothing is going into the boxes.

Collect clothes and toys you’ve outgrown and donate them so another kid can use them.

Illustration of a stick figure child holding a card with a heart toward and stick figure adult.

Make birthday cards for parents and grandparents when they have their special day.

Illustration of two stick figures with their arms around each other and a handshake above them.

Be nice to new kids at your school.

Illustration of two adults and a child stick figure holding hands and standing in front of a house.

Offer to help adults in your family make dinner or clean up the house.

Share your toys with siblings and friends.

Help another kid learn what you know, like playing a sport or a musical instrument.

Say hello, goodbye, please, and thank you.

Fuel For Our Bodies

Overhead view of a table with several bowls of food and hands and arms dishing food onto plates.

© Carlos David/

Everyone needs to have enough food to eat. It’s an important part of our health.

Learn more at Britannica School!

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: freely giving or sharing money and other valuable things

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