Orangutans Use Slang?

Three orangutans sitting together

Orangutans Use Slang? We’re Shook.

Scientists discovered something very interesting about the way orangutans communicate.

Three orangutans sitting together

© Perkus—iStock/Getty Images Plus

Humans make up new slang words all the time. And, it turns out, orangutans do something similar, though they don’t use words. 

Orangutans can’t talk, but they do use sounds to communicate. Scientists in the United Kingdom have found that orangutans often come up with new sounds. Like human slang words, these sounds often catch on and are used by other orangutans in the community.

In a study led by Dr. Adriano Lameira of the University of Warwick, scientists spent five years recording “kiss-squeaks” emitted by orangutans in various communities. Kiss-squeaks are sounds that orangutans make to try to scare away predators. Scientists once thought kiss-squeaks were hardwired, meaning they never change. But the recordings showed that new kiss-squeaks are invented over time. The recordings also showed that after hearing a new kiss-squeak, other orangutans sometimes begin to use it. 

If this sounds familiar, it may be because this is a lot like the way humans add new words to their languages.

Scientists already know that human language is shaped by social surroundings. In other words, we begin to use new words after seeing or hearing them from friends, social media, TV, and other sources. The study provides evidence that orangutan communication is somewhat similar. Dr. Lameira told The Guardian he believes that some orangutans will invent new sounds to “show off their coolness and how [much of a] rebel they are.”

Did You Know?

Baby orangutan holding onto a branch

© Andrey Gudkov/Dreamstime.com

The Bornean orangutan has been critically endangered since 2016 due to habitat destruction and illegal hunting. This orangutan population has been reduced by half in the past 60 years.

Jazz-Age Jargon

© Aleutie—iStock/Getty Images Plus

Want to know how much human language changes over time? Check out these slang terms from the 1920s!

Cabbage: money

Hard-boiled: a tough person

Know your onions: to know a lot about something

Let’s blouse: “Let’s go”

Sinker: a doughnut (because people would dip their doughnuts in coffee)

The bee’s knees: a highly admired person or thing

The cat’s pajamas: an excellent person or thing

They’re All Talk

Mammals communicate, but did you know that fish and insects communicate too? 

© Adisak Mitrprayoon—E+/Getty Images



Syllabic representation:



: a word or phrase that is used mostly in informal speech : a colloquial expression

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Giving Shelter

adults and children, many pulling luggage, walk outside of a train station

Giving Shelter

Two college students are using their web skills to help Ukrainian refugees.

adults and children, many pulling luggage, walk outside of a train station

© Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images News

Two college students have created a website designed to assist Ukrainian refugees. The website, called Ukraine Take Shelter, helps people who are fleeing the war in Ukraine to find a place to stay in cities around the world.

Ukraine Take Shelter was created by Harvard University students Avi Schiffman, 19, and Marco Burstein, 18. Since Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24, millions of Ukrainians have left their home country, and many have no place to go. There are, however, a lot of people around the world who want to open their homes to Ukrainians. Schiffman, a talented web designer, realized that there was a need for a simple online resource linking refugees with people willing to host them. He and Burstein built the website in just three days.

Ukraine Take Shelter, which can be viewed in several languages, is designed to be easy to use. The user simply types in the city where they need shelter to get listings for houses, apartments, and rooms that are available. Thousands of potential hosts have posted listings on the site. 

Why did Schiffman decide to help? He said he saw a need for a website and, having built sites before, he thought, “Why not me?”

Did You Know?

Two boys are in a shelter. One of them lies on a cot looking at his phone while the other looks on.

© Omar Marques/Getty Images News

There are more than 26 million refugees around the world. About half of them are under age 18, according to the United Nations Refugee Agency.

How You Can Help

© Pedro Neves/Dreamstime.com

Many organizations are accepting donations to help Ukrainians. The funds can be used to buy food, medical supplies, and much more. If you’re interested in helping, here are a few tips:

  1. Work together. Helping others can be easier if you work in a group. See if you can get your friends and family involved in the effort.

  2. Design a fundraiser. Think of a way you can raise funds. Get your friends together and have a car wash or a bake sale. Just remember to get permission if you want to hold your event on public property.

  3. Find a trusted organization. Be thoughtful about where you send any donation. Look on a website that rates charities and find one that is trusted and highly ranked.

What’s Happening

Learn more about the war in Ukraine.

© Leonardoboss/Dreamstime.com



Syllabic representation:



: someone who has been forced to leave a country because of war or for religious or political reasons

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black and white photo of Richard Branson holding his daughter and standing in front of what looks like a UFO

This Day in History: Aliens?!

black and white photo of Richard Branson holding his daughter and standing in front of what looks like a UFO

Richard Branson and his daughter pose in front of Branson’s “UFO” balloon.

Credit: Philip Ide/ANL/Shutterstock.com

On March 31, 1989, a UFO was spotted in the sky over London, England. The flying saucer attracted hundreds of witnesses who may have wondered if extraterrestrials were about to land on Earth. But this was no alien invasion. It was the ultimate April Fools’ joke.

The man behind the prank was Richard Branson, the founder of the Virgin Group. Branson’s company is involved with entertainment, fitness, and flight—but business isn’t Branson’s only interest. He’s all about April Fools’ Day, which falls every year on April 1.

For his legendary 1989 stunt, Branson didn’t build a flying saucer from scratch. Instead, he made a hot air balloon look like a flying saucer by covering it in silver casing and adding lights that could flash on and off. The dressed-up balloon took flight early in the morning, just as the sun was rising and the first commuters were heading to work. At least some of the people who saw the eerie “UFO” hovering over them took it pretty seriously. The police later said they lost count of the number of calls they received.

The police pursued the mysterious “spacecraft” and finally caught up with it just after it landed. But, as Branson later remembered, the drama didn’t end there. When the door of the flying saucer opened, Branson recalled, fog wafted out and an alien emerged. (Of course, it was a human wearing an alien costume.) Since the next day would be April Fools’, the police soon realized what was going on.

Branson’s company, Virgin Group, has since gotten involved in space exploration. Maybe Branson will actually be an alien someday—exploring a planet far from Earth.

Fun Fact

April Fool!

In Scotland, April Fools’ Day is called Gowkie Day. As early as 1700, kids would get tricked into doing impossible errands, like buying pigeon milk, on April 1!



Syllabic representation:



: playful or silly behavior

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Best Prank Ever?

black and white photo of a young girl appearing to reach out for a small fairy standing at her feet

Credit: steeve-x-foto/Alamy

In 1917, two young cousins, 16-year-old Elsie Wright and 9-year-old Frances Griffiths, took a series of photos that appeared to show actual fairies. The photos even fooled author Arthur Conan Doyle, the creator of Sherlock Holmes. Doyle featured the images in an article he wrote about fairies. Decades later, the cousins admitted that the fairies in the photos were actually cutouts from a children’s book.

Global Gags

People celebrate April Fools’ Day all over the world. 

© John Dickson–Monument/Getty Images


Can you find 11 words about space?

Frozen In Time

Frozen In Time

Underwater photos of the Endurance show that it’s still in great shape, even after more than 100 years.
Credit: Falklands Maritime Heritage Trust/National Geographic

For more than 100 years, a ship called the Endurance was hidden under the icy waters near Antarctica. Now, the ship has been found. And it looks a lot like it did a century ago.

The Endurance was part of an expedition led by British explorer Ernest Shackleton. In August 1914, Shackleton and his crew set out to make the first land crossing of Antarctica. But trying to reach the frozen continent would almost prove to be deadly. In December, the Endurance became trapped in the ice-covered Weddell Sea. The ship drifted for 10 months before it got crushed by pack ice. For five more months, the crew camped on ice floes before escaping in lifeboats to a nearby island. By then, the Endurance had sunk into the sea.

On March 5, 2022, a team of researchers located the Endurance nearly 10,000 feet (3,008 meters) under water. It wasn’t easy. The team had to use a ship that’s designed to break through the ice that covers the Weddell Sea. They sent remote submarines under the water to search for the ship. It took more than two weeks to find the Endurance. No sunlight reaches the seafloor, making the environment extremely cold and dark.

But the cold water proved to be a very good thing. It kept the Endurance in remarkably good shape. Scientists say wood-eating worms often eat away at shipwrecks. But these worms can’t survive at the bottom of the freezing Weddell Sea. So the Endurance still looks a lot like it did during Shackleton’s lifetime.

Viewing photos of the ship is almost like going back in time.

Fun Fact

an Arctic tern flies over water with a glacier in the background
© Paul/stock.adobe.com

Each year the Arctic tern flies between the Arctic and Antarctica to take advantage of the long summer days at both ends of the world. During a 30-year lifespan, the tern travels almost as far as three times to the Moon and back.

Journey to the Ends of Earth

Exploring Antarctica and the Arctic has never been easy. 

Courtesy of the Royal Geographical Society; photograph, Underwood and Underwood, New York

The Next Frontier

Artist depiction of three humans in spacesuits on the surface of Mars

Credit: NASA

More than 100 years after Shackleton explored the bottom of our planet, scientists are exploring worlds beyond our own. NASA and private companies hope to send humans to Mars in the very near future—and some of them envision building a human colony on the Red Planet!


Can you find 11 words about space?



Syllabic representation:



: the ability to do something difficult for a long time


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